If you live in Scarborough and need help heating your home, Project GRACE can help. The quickest way to reach us is to call 883-5111.
When you call, please leave your name, phone number, a good time to call back, and briefly tell us why you are calling. We check messages regularly, two or three times a week. 883-5111No one should have to choose between heating their homes and basic needs like food and medicine. You don't have to go it alone when it's cold.
Call 211Maine for help. Keep ME Warm provides emergency heating assistance through a statewide partnership of Maine’s United Ways and Community Action Agencies. The fund assists individuals directly and also through local organizations that provide emergency fuel assistance, including faith-based programs and nonprofit agencies. HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM
Also known as HEAP or LIHEAP, this program provides help to qualifying low-income Mainers. Follow this link to see if you are eligible for HEAP. The Opportunity Alliance (553-5900) schedules appointments for residents of Cumberland County. >>More Info If you get HEAP, you may also qualify for help with furnace repairs and some utility bills. FEELING THE PINCH OF HIGHER ENERGY BILLS?
If you are having trouble keeping up with your energy bills, you are not alone. If higher prices have you thinking about upgrades to your home to save fuel and funds, Efficiency Maine has low-cost loans for energy upgrades, info about rebates, and tips. Low-income Mainers who qualify for HEAP may also qualify for help to catch up on past due bills, repair or replace heating systems, and more. Details at MaineHousing.org.
If your need is more immediate, the Arrears Management Program (AMP) at Versant and CMP helps customers reduce their past due balance by as much as $300 each month. See CMP's fact sheet or visit MaineEqualJustice for terms and more info. Also, the Maine PUC can help negotiate payment arrangements, resolve disputes with energy providers, and has links to resources to help Mainers manage utility and energy bills. Habitat for Humanity helps low-income homeowners address critical safety and structural home repairs (i.e. accessibility issues, unsafe roofing or flooring, lack of heat, electrical or plumbing hazards). For more info, visit: habitatportlandme.org/critical-home-repair . |
Can I get fuel assistance from Project GRACE? If you own or rent in Scarborough, or if you have kids in Scarborough schools, and if you cannot afford to heat your home, we can help! Give us a call!
How do I apply for fuel assistance? Call us at 883-5111. When you call, please leave your name, phone number, a good time to call back, and briefly tell us why you are calling. We check messages frequently, but we aren't in the office every day. What kind of fuel assistance can I get? We can help with home heating oil, K-1, propane or 1-2 cords of seasoned firewood or utility bills for electric heat. How long does it take to get help? Once our volunteers have spoken with you, it can take a day or two before the fuel company can go out. If possible, please call us before your tank gauge dips below an 1/8th so there is time to schedule a delivery (and avoid restart fees). Does Project GRACE pay overdue balances? No. We do not pay past due bills, but you should still talk to us about your situation. Will you give me money directly through Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, etc.? No. We make arrangements with the oil company, utility company, etc. to pay for fuel assistance on your behalf. When and how often can I apply for fuel assistance? We typically approve one or two 'helps' of fuel assistance per household between November 15th-April 15th. Exceptions are sometimes made, so you should call us to talk about your situation. Can you help if my furnace or tank gauge is not working? Possibly - give us a call to talk about your situation. My fuel expenses are high! Can I get help with weatherization? We have modest resources to help with snugging up drafty homes and making small fixes to save fuel and funds. Call us to talk about your situation or click here to apply online. Who is Project GRACE? Project GRACE is a 501(c)3 nonprofit founded in 2002. We are neighbors helping neighbors. How does Project GRACE pay for its fuel bills? Project GRACE relies on the generosity of our neighbors, foundation grants, and corporate gifts and sponsorships. Scarborough's annual community fundraiser in February covers about 60% of our costs for fuel assistance. |
It doesn't have to cost a lot to keep warm. Did you know draft stops are effective and easy-peasy to make? A few small and inexpensive changes can help keep your home snug and family warm this winter. >>MORE TIPS
Check out these tips! You can get a copy of Efficiency Maine's tips booklet at the Scarborough Public Library - they're free! |
PO Box 6846, Scarborough, Maine 04070-6846 | 207.883.5111 | pgme @ projectgracemaine.org