Together with our partners, Project GRACE is growing fresh veggies, greens, and herbs for the Scarborough Food Pantry! Check out for more...
Project GRACE and Scarborough School Nutrition Program Collaborate to Feed Hungry School Children
Project GRACE tries to improve the lives of our neighbors by identifying both those in need and those willing to share their gifts, and coordinating the interchange in a compassionate, confidential manner. In that spirit, at a recent school board meeting, Project GRACE awarded Scarborough schools a $2,500 grant for the current school year. The School Nutrition program, led by director Judy Campbell, has been receiving funding from Project GRACE for the past few years. The long-standing partnership helps students get the daily nutrition required for achieving success at school. School staff notice when kids come to school hungry, they see when a child simply does not get enough nutritious meals at home. The Project GRACE grant extends the reach of the school nutrition program by paying for milk and snacks, breakfasts and lunches, and second helpings, for students whose families are struggling to make ends meet. Thanks to our partnership, now in its second year, with Citizen's Energy, more than 15,000 gallons of heating assistance is helping neighbors keep warm this Spring. The program, also known as Joe4Oil, gives vouchers for 100 gallons of oil or kerosene to income eligible families facing hardships like loss of income or medical or housing issues. Working with our partners in neighboring communities, Project GRACE volunteers facilitated the connection to the Massachussetts-based program for families in Scarborough, Cape Elizabeth, Buxton, Porter, Yarmouth, and Bucksport. We also helped our friends at Freeport Community Services connect directly to Joe4Oil.
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January 2025