And speaking of best of the best, hope you had a chance to catch our Board President, Bert Follansbee, on the radio! She was just named an "Outstanding Woman" by 93.1 The Coast radio station. Tune in here:…/bert-follansbee-our-outstanding-woma…/ Congratulations, Bert!!
Have you heard? Project GRACE has been voted 'Best of the Best' in the nonprofit category for the annual reader's poll that appeared in the Forecaster! Congratulations to our good friends at Southern Maine Agency on Aging and all the other "Best of the Best" winners. A huge thank you to all who voted for us -- and to our many friends and supporters, who make it possible for us to lend a hand throughout the year. We're the 'best of the best' thanks to all of you!
And speaking of best of the best, hope you had a chance to catch our Board President, Bert Follansbee, on the radio! She was just named an "Outstanding Woman" by 93.1 The Coast radio station. Tune in here:…/bert-follansbee-our-outstanding-woma…/ Congratulations, Bert!! This 2nd Annual fall charity festival is sponsored by our friends at NorDX to benefit the Scarborough Police Department's Operation HOPE program. >>MORE
Missed the kick-off event? You can still get engaged in the process! The Town of Scarborough is updating its Comprehensive Plan -- and everyone's invited to share their views on the future of our community. This is a participatory process, and along the way there are many ways to make your voice heard. Mark your calendars for Monday, September 25th at 6:30 pm at the Scarborough High School for "Planapalooza". Join your neighbors for conversations surrounding land use, transportation, natural resources, parks and open spaces, bikeways, trails, public facilities and services, economic development, as well as community growth, development, design, housing and identity.
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January 2025