![]() The return to school is just around the corner, and we are gearing up to give families a helping hand. We'll need the usual items: new sturdy backpacks, pencils and pens, erasers, markers, glue and tape - check our SignUpGenius for what's most needed. (printable list by grade level). Please bring your donations to the Scarborough Public Library on Monday August 26th (10am-2pm). If you'd rather not shop, please consider making a gift today to Project GRACE to sponsor a child's backpack. Thank you! Who will BEE the smartest team in town? Well, we'll just have to wait and see...(again). After careful consideration, we have canceled the 13th Annual Trivia Bee scheduled for October 28th. This was a tough call to make, as the BEE is our marquis fundraiser and it'll pinch our budget a bit. Mostly, we're disappointed to miss the chance to kick back and have some fun, recognize our loyal sponsors, volunteers, and supporters who make this event sparkle and shine every year. But we'll BEE back in 2022! Trivia champs: you've got extra time to get your team of three ready to compete for trophies and bragging rights! https://triviabee.weebly.com/updates
Please join us and your neighbors for the 6th Annual Scarborough Community Thanksgiving Dinner. Again this year, the community dinner will be a curbside to-go affair and it will feature roast turkey with all the traditional fixings of the holiday - and pie! Scarborough School Nutrition, Scarborough Public Safety, Scarborough Community Services, and Project GRACE are the partners hosting the dinner, together with many generous sponsors and friends. Mark your calendar, we're saving you some pie!
We're all about being good neighbors, and in this year of challenges, we're still thank-full for our community, our neighbors. This year's holiday season will be different, for sure, but we'll still have plenty to be grateful for, plenty to share and celebrate. Please save the date for our 5th Annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner! We won't be gathering indoors at Wentworth as we have in past holidays, but we can still have dinner together - we'll just have to stretch a bit to pass the cranberry sauce, see our smiles through our masks! Please join us! All are welcome! ![]() Who will BEE the smartest team in town? We'll just have to wait and see! We care about you and the well-being of our community, and have canceled the 13th Annual Trivia Bee , which was scheduled for later this month at Camp Ketcha. Although we won't be gathering in person this year, we will BEE returning to the Hive at Camp Ketcha in 2021 . Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for fun and fabulousness for Scarborough's funniest fundraiser. Save The Date: Thursday, October 28th 2021 Players in teams of three will test their trivia knowledge and compete for bragging rights! Biddeford Savings will host the Game Hive where you can try your luck for prizes, SoPo Catering will offer delicious catered treats, and the swinging sounds of our hometown "Crooners" will set the mood. Emcee Blake Hayes , our Referee Dwayne , and our panel of esteemed judges "the Nurses" will take center stage as usual!
Proceeds from this marquis event help us keep our neighbors warm, feed hungry families, and enable us to lend a hand to a neighbor going through a rough patch. Please stay tuned for news on how you can support our mission of neighbors helping neighbors. In the meantime, be well, stay safe, and please let us know if you or a neighbor need help . This year on Halloween, there's another tricky monster lurking: the coronavirus. The CDC just unveiled their Halloween guidelines, and here's a link to their interactive site with tips and tricks for having a fun and safe holiday.
Anyone else feeling a little sheepish (ha-ha) about the extra TP stashed away? Bring your spares to our curbside Food & Essentials Drive for the Scarborough Food Pantry on Wednesday, July 15th from 4-6 p.m.! We're collecting non-perishable nutritious food for our neighbors, as well as household essentials like toilet paper, paper towels, dishwashing soap, household disinfectant sprays, and hand sanitizer! Grocery, Walgreens, and ACE gift cards are helpful, too.
This is a curbside drop-off event, and we ask that you please remain in your vehicle and wear a mask, so volunteers can assist you. The pantry is at the 1st Congregational Church, 167 Black Point Road. More info will be posted here by Friday. To protect the health of our community, we are postponing indefinitely the annual Jr Trivia Bee that was scheduled to be held April 14th at Wentworth School. Thank you for understanding. We are practicing the CDC recommendations on social distancing, and cancelling or postponing smaller meetings, too.
POSTPONED To protect the health of our community, and in light of recommendations from the CDC during the COVID-19 health situation, this event has been postponed until further notice. We will update you with plans for a future event. Thank you for understanding. Are you, your family, and pets prepared for a long-term power outage, the impacts of a severe snow or ice storm, major hurricane, flooding, or other extended emergency?
One or two days without electricity and heat may be manageable, but what about extended periods and/or if you need to evacuate to a shelter? Learn greater self-sufficiency for the days after an extended and/or area-wide emergency. Topics include: assembling an emergency preparedness kit; creating a family emergency and communication plan; overview of issues related to food, water, lighting, heat, health and hygiene; prevention and mitigation strategies you can do at home to protect household members, valuables and important documents; and info on community resources and shelters. Class located in a designated shelter space to facilitate questions about how to prepare your family and pets for a shelter stay, should that become necessary. Presented as a collaboration of the Scarborough Fire Department, Scarborough Public Library, and Scarborough Adult Learning Center. Tues, 3/17/2020, 6:30 to 8:00 pm, Scarborough High School cafeteria. FREE, no registration required. Facilitators: Scarborough Fire Chief and EMA Director, Michael Thurlow and Nancy Crowell, Director of Scarborough Public Library With a messy winter storm on our doorsteps, we know, no matter what Punxsutawney Phil might say, an early spring is still a long way away. The other thing we can say with certainty: Scarborough knows how to come together for common cause, we know how to extend a helping hand, and when it counts we show up. Our town’s 8th Annual Keeping Our Neighbors Warm Fuel Rally at the Oak Hill Firehouse, is just such an occasion when we all show up. The Fire, Police, Community Services and Library pitch in to help Project GRACE host the Rally. The clerk’s office gives out clynk bags for the fund, too. The Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary, and several others doing good all year long are at the Rally, too. From 10-Noon on Saturday, there will be a bake sale, raffles, uplifting performance by State Street Jazz musicians, activities for kids and safety demos for everyone. In a typical winter Project GRACE helps with fuel assistance about 65 times, and even with generous discounts from friends like Conroy’s, our fuel bill can quickly climb to $25,000 or more in a single season. Local philanthropist, Eddie Woodin, helped establish the Fuel Fund more than 10 years ago. Over the years we’ve raised about $150,000 for fuel assistance, about half of that generously donated during the Rallies. It really doesn't matter how low the temperatures drop or what the price of oil or propane or firewood is: many of our neighbors have a hard time putting food on the table every month, paying for medicines, covering the rent and basic bills. For anyone living on small fixed retirement incomes, or coping with chronic illnesses, or work in low-paying or seasonal jobs, there are difficult choices to make every month. Many can't make ends meet, no matter how carefully they budget. One senior told us, “honey, I cheated the thermostat. I put it up to 58 degrees.” Yup. Up to 58 degrees! It is with reluctance that our neighbors set aside their pride and make the difficult call to ask us for help. But thanks to the continued partnership with the Town, and the generosity of too many to name here, we can lend a hand. We won’t leave anyone in the cold. FUEL FUND by the NUMBERS
$182,000 spent on fuel assistance* since 2011 $159,000 fuel assistance donations raised since 2011 $81,000 raised by 7 Fuel Rallies since 2013 2020 is 8th Annual Fuel Rally: goal is to hit $10,000 in donations in 2 hours 443 households receiving fuel assistance 2011-2019 (470+ including 2020 season) On average, 65 helps a season. 87% of households receive only one help a season $12,500 (8% of funds raised) spent on weatherization projects 2020 Fuel Fund donations as of January 15: $3,821 2020 Fuel Expenses as of January 15: $7,195 Together we can help our neighbors have a more joyful holiday season. We are hearing from families who are worried about how they'll keep their homes warm, put food on the table, and make sure their kids find a few items under the tree. Can we count on your help this holiday season? We have almost 150 kids on our list this year! Christmas presents for kids are needed by Monday, December 11th. Please RSVP HERE to receive a wish list.
Scarborough High School alumni will be hosting their annual golf tournament to benefit scholarship funds, and Project GRACE, on Sunday, June 4th at Willowdale Golf Club. Project GRACE is hosting the Putting Contest. Players pay to play, with our share of the proceeds going to support our "Investing in Student Success" project that helps kids start the first day of school ready to learn.
Project GRACE, the Scarborough Food Pantry, Scarborough School Nutrition, and friends are convening another working forum on Tuesday, March 28th. Many are already making a significant contribution, doing a lot to halt hunger in our community. But there are still unmet needs, opportunities for us to do more, to collaborate for greater impact.
Mainers are hungry. Did you know: Maine ranks 17th in the nation and 1st in New England in terms of food insecurity (hunger). 24%, or nearly 1 in every 4 children, are food insecure in Maine. Here in Scarborough, 17% of our kids are receiving 'free and reduced' lunch and snacks through the school nutrition program. A lot of great information came to light at the September convening, and it was inspiring to hear what's already happening to help our neighbors. We are pleased to report that as a result of our conversations at the last forum, several actions have already been taken. We are eager to hear what else is in the works, how things are going, and your ideas for what else we can tackle together to halt hunger in our community. We hope you'll join us on March 28th. Tuna & Canned Proteins Needed for Pantry
www.fuelrally.weebly.com Scarborough Leader Article: read all about the challenge to raise funds for fuel assistance, and why we're hoping for a big turnout at the rally on Saturday, February 4th.
A lot of great information came to light at the September convening at the library, and it was inspiring to hear what's already happening to help our neighbors.
We are pleased to report that as a result of our conversations at the last forum, several actions have already been taken. We are eager to hear what else is in the works, how things are going, and your ideas for what's next. We hope you'll join us and bring a friend to the forum in March. Please save the date: Tuesday, March 28th (4:00-7:30)
![]() Inn by the Sea is very involved with the community all year long, but one of the highlights is their annual Holiday Giving Tree where guests are invited to keep paper ornaments made by local school children in exchange for gifts for community members who are less fortunate. This tree collects warm hats, mittens and gloves, scarves, and chapsticks which Project GRACE then shares with kids throughout the community. Giving trees for Project GRACE sponsored by community groups and local businesses include:
Look for trees starting the weekend of Thanksgiving.
Kind-hearted seniors, some in their 90s, are taking over the kitchen at Scarborough Terrace Assisted Living to bake homemade treats to benefit Project G.R.A.C.E. Proceeds of the bake sale help purchase children’s clothing, hats, gloves, boots and jackets that Project G.R.A.C.E. distributes to local families. “It touches my heart to see how much our residents enjoy helping the community,” said Elizabeth Simonds, marketing manager of Scarborough Terrace Assisted Living. “We find it very rewarding, and we feel it is extremely important to do our part to assist families in need.”
Please join Project GRACE, the Scarborough Public Library, and United Way of Greater Portland at a Community Conversation on December 9th (6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Scarborough Public Library, 48 Gorham Road)..
The United Way of Greater Portland is hoping to spark conversations in communities in the Greater Portland area to help them establish measurable 10-year community-wide goals in education, financial stability, and health. All are welcome to identify and explore the critical community needs and issues that affect us all. You don’t need to be an expert to participate, just someone who cares about your community. By sharing your experiences, concerns, and vision for our community, you will help guide positive change for the future. The Scarborough Community Conversation is being hosted by the Scarborough Library and is cosponsored by the United Way and Project G.R.A.C.E. We hope to see you there! Your RSVP to Jim Elkins (jelkins @ gwi.net or 885-0700) is appreciated. 22 teams competed for the bragging rights for winning one of four prizes for the trivia bee champion, best costumes, best team name and most enthusiastic supporters. With a lot of great teams playing to win, and many deserving of honorable mention, the teams taking home other top honors were:
Best Team Name--Our Boss Told Us to Bee Here Operation Hope’s Jaimie Higgins, Heidi Knight, and Glenn Tucker Best Costumes--Smokey Bees Fire Department’s Jim Butler, Julie Sanford, and Chief Mike Thurlow Most Enthusiastic Supporters--Pied Pipers Piper Shores’ Joe Kunkel, Betty Perry, and Evelyn Marcus 8th Annual Trivia Bee Champions---The Trivials Scarborough Ed Techs: Maureen Kirsch, Julia Iuretig, and Rebecca Zafonte Congratulations! Helping Kids Succeed at School Thanks to a community-wide effort, more than 90 kids started school prepared for learning. It was an outstanding community-wide effort to provide backpacks and school supplies for all who turned to us for a helping hand. Once again we were impressed by the generosity and care put into making each of the packs 'just right' for the kids. With the help of neighbors, local businesses, service clubs, and faith communities, dozens of local families could equip their kids with the basics: sturdy new backpacks, paper, notebooks, pens and pencils, rulers and glue sticks. We are very grateful to all who volunteered their time, brought in a full pack, gave supplies, sponsored a child's backpack, or hosted a collection drive or drop-off site. Whether you gave a little or a lot, it added up to a great start for the kids. Partners included: Alere, Blue Point Congregational Church, St. Maximilian-Kolbe Church, Kiwanis of Scarborough, Rotary Club of Scarborough, Foy Insurance, Michelle Raber State Farm Insurance, The Study Hall, Scarborough Public Library, Biddeford Savings Bank, Town & Country Federal Credit Union, Gorham Savings Bank, Saco Biddeford Savings Bank, Ruth's Reusable Resources, Buy Local Scarborough, and many many more!
Wednesday, August 5thWeeding Wednesday at the Community Garden >>MORE THURSdAY, AUGUST 6thSorting School Supplies at Ruth's
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