Thanks to our friends, we are well on our way to winning a #GivingTuesday match challenge! In support of our mission, Art and Belinda Ledue have issued a $2,500 matching challenge for our Neighbors Helping Neighbors Fund through November 30th, 2023. For more than 20 years, Project GRACE has been helping neighbors and investing in our community through collaborative projects. There are lots of nonprofits like us who depend on your support, and whether you give a little or a lot, it all adds up for the good of our community. Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who turned out this weekend for the food drive! A shout out as well to Ralph, Jim, Eric, Eddie, Ellen, Terri, and Hilde who were on hand to help out. With everyone stopping by, it only took a couple hours to fill up a pickup truck for the pantry. Thank you, one and all!
Small Acts of Kindness Build Resilient Communities Excerpted from "In the Know", Scarborough Leader by Steffi Cox, Executive Director, Project GRACE The other day a friend was encouraging Project GRACE to do a food collection, put out a box somewhere. When I mentioned the library had been doing that for us already for a long time, she was glad, but also genuinely surprised. She goes to the library often, but had never noticed the box by the bulletin boards. Sometimes the library is helping us collect school supplies, holiday presents for kids or new warm socks. Mostly the box is brimming with cans and boxes of food for the pantry. It was right there all the time, out in the open, but caught up in her own busy-ness, my friend didn’t see the opportunity.
The holiday season comes as the days are at their shortest and darkest; as the cold seeps in and takes hold, the holidays envelop us in the brightness of the hustle and bustle, the excitement of dashing about to check things off our lists, and the joy and anticipation of being reunited with our nearest and dearest. The holidays are exciting, feeding us, knitting us together, giving us the opportunity to be a part of something bigger, bolder, brighter. Mainers look out for their neighbors. We give. A new report from the personal finance web site put Maine near the top of the list of charitable states (our rank was #5!) and even higher (#2) when factoring in volunteering. We can see proof right here in our own neighborhoods. Look at the bounty under the holiday trees popping up all over town, collecting presents for children, warm hats and mittens, and more. Stand still for a moment, take in the warmth of friendly chatter of our neighbors at the many charity craft fairs, see how our neighbors transform a stitched or knitted this or that, a hand-crafted treasure or deliciously baked treat, into hard earned dollars for change and charity and community. Know that your favorite nonprofit(s) are grateful that you took the opportunity to donate to a #GivingTuesday or year-end appeal so that with your support they can continue to fulfill their missions for the greater good. So much of the news of the world and closer to home is tragic beyond measure. It can weigh us down with shock, anger, fear, and anguish. Grief sits heavy in our hearts these days. There is a disturbing and persistent sharpness in our public voices that chafes at our ability to work together. But stop. All of that is outweighed by all the good that happens every day. The small kindnesses and acts of conscience and compassion add up, move us forward, and knit us together with common purpose. Our everyday actions of persistent good neighborliness are building a strong foundation for resilience. No matter what comes our way, we can lift the heavy load and go forward together. I see that hope nearly every day working for Project GRACE. And if you look about as you go about your every day, you can see it too. Don’t miss the opportunity. Three food pantries, three communities, one united effort to feed our neighbors
Sunday NOVEMBER 12 3PM-6PM @ POND COVE IGA (Ocean House Road, Cape Elizabeth) Friday & Saturday NOVEMBER 17 & 18 10AM-2PM @ PAPE SUBARU (2065 Broadway, South Portland) Saturday NOVEMBER 18 11AM-1PM @ TOWN HALL / PUBLIC SAFETY (259 Route One, Scarborough)' What's Needed? Nutritious nonperishable foods, shelf-stable proteins like canned tuna or ham or chicken, and 'fixings' for Thanksgiving dinner like stuffing, instant mashed, cranberry sauce, pie mix and canned fillings. Pantries also need CASH, CHECKS, & ONLINE DONATIONS. At the holidays we are thankful for the bounty on our tables, we treasure our time with friends and family gathered round to celebrate. But we also know some of us are lonely or hungry or looking for a way to connect. Like others Project GRACE yearned to answer that need, through our “Food for Thought & Action” initiative, we brought like-minded people in a room together. Project GRACE was a catalyst for the first and subsequent years, a founding member of the collaborative that created and invested in the Community Thanksgiving Dinner. Like our partners at School Nutrition, Community Services, and Public Safety, we gladly contributed our time, treasure, and talent to give lift and a strong foundation for an event, now in its 8th year, that nourishes our community. Held on Thanksgiving Day (11-1) at Wentworth, volunteers serve a traditional holiday meal of roast turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, squash, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, gravy, dinner rolls, & pie. Save your seat at the table, rsvp here.
We pause to reflect, remember and honor, and work for peace this Veterans Day. Maya Angelou says, "a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people." One of Project GRACE's dearest was Jack Callahan, a hero who honorably served his country in the Marine Corps. In the years that followed, he quietly and faithfully made this place better. Today, we remember and honor, Jack. We truly miss you and remain grateful for your service.
Tis the Season! (Almost!) We're getting ready for the holidays, and one of our favorite ways to get into the holiday spirit is to check out the charity craft fairs. The one at Bessey Commons next weekend will benefit Project GRACE this year. Find gorgeous handmade crafts, pick up a treat the bake sales, or take a chance on a raffle. You can find a few of the craft fairs and more holiday happenings on the Scarborough Community Calendar (If you don't see your event, click the green button at the top of the calendar page to post) or email us.
Maine Association of Nonprofits today shared resources and information for caring about our communities in the wake of the tragedy in Lewiston. You can find them here: including NAMI and StrengthenME helplines.
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January 2025