Finding out about resources to help homeowners make their homes more energy efficient is your first step toward saving energy AND money this winter, and possibly for years to come. Efficiency Maine has many programs, from rebates to loans to energy assessments. Learn more at or call 1-866-376-2463. If you are a Scarborough resident, own your own home, and are considering an Efficiency Maine energy audit, but can’t afford the homeowner fees, contact Project GRACE for an application for assistance. The USDA also has loans for very low-income homeowners to repair, improve or modernize their homes, including grants to elderly homeowners to remove health and safety hazards. Visit to learn more.
Now is the time to plan for paying for those heating bills that are sure to come with the first snowflakes. Check out the LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) managed by Opportunity Alliance. Don't wait until the cold weather is here: call today to set up an intake appointment (553-5800 or 553-5900).